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Billettsalg til a modern way for traditional tales på Innocamp i Steinkjer

A modern way for traditional tales – Workshop

InnoCamp, Steinkjer

Kl. 19.30
Billett kr. 250,-
Student kr. 125,-
Billett med Hilmarkortet kr. 0,- Les mer om Hilmarkortet her


Welcome to A modern way for traditional tales – Workshop

Workshopen foregår på engelsk, men om du ønsker å delta med fortelling på norsk er det helt greit! Abbi, som holder workshopen, forstår norsk, men vil nok gi tilbakemeldinger på engelsk. Du kan også delta uten å fortelle en historie, hvis du ønsker å bare være tilskuer.

Choose one tale from the oral tradition which you are ready to tackle. It can be part of your existing repertoire or a tale that really intrigue you and you would like to work with. It can be a story in which you see problems with regards to stereotypes. Maybe the problems have stopped you from telling that particular story or you would like to changed some imagery in them. Choose a short story or select a section you prefer.

This will give us a commun approach to the need to face changes in tales to be able to carry them oraly in the world of today.

Trained at the Drama School Jacques Lecoq in Paris, Abbi Patrix has been exploring the art of storytelling for the past thirty years with his Compagnie du Cercle, founded by him in 1980. In his productions Abbi Patrix uses both personal and contemporary forms, which he constructs using different sources: traditional stories, life-stories, diaries, his own memories and literary texts. His powerful rhythmic work has earned Abbi Patrix an international reputation as one of the greatest of Europe’s performance storytellers. He has toured widely in France, Great Britain, Europe and West Africa. He also takes part in conferences and gives master classes worldwide.

NB. Workshop in english. Limited number of participants.

For questions regarding this workshop, please contact:

Johan Einar Bjerkem,

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