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Journeys on place - performance by Abbi Patrix. Billettsalg ifm. konsert på Vårt Hjem, Steinkjer

Journeys on place – performance by Abbi Patrix

Vårt hjem

Ordinær kr. 180,-
Student kr. 90,-
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Welcome to Journeys on place – performance by Abbi Patrix!

Trained at the Drama School Jacques Lecoq in Paris,  Abbi Patrix   has been exploring the art of storytelling for the past thirty years with his Compagnie du Cercle, founded by him in 1980. In his productions Abbi Patrix uses both personal and contemporary forms, which he constructs using different sources: traditional stories, life-stories, diaries, his own memories and literary texts. His powerful rhythmic work has earned Abbi Patrix an international reputation as one of the greatest of Europe’s performance storytellers. He has toured widely in France, Great Britain, Europe and West Africa. He also takes part in conferences and gives master classes worldwide.

Time suspended above the world and what it has to tell, this event brings together stories gleaned by the storyteller during a whole life spent travelling.
Tales, legends, myths, anecdotes, intimate memories fill pages of his travel diary day after day. He offers simply to share his taste and love for these stories. To take us away to an unlikely dream world, to an impossible reality. To cross the planet by means of stories. Journeys in place lead by associations, by moods, by the atmosphere.
Balanced between written material and oral improvisation, Abbi Patrix unfurls his stories, giving them a new context each time, always in the present instant, always interacting with the audience, bringing the diversity of his repertoire to our ears…
Varied stories…
Norwegian fairy tales, African myths, Chinese fantasy and Indian wisdom share an awareness to the world’s diversity, it’s complexity, it’s wish for stories in order to understand, amaze, discover. Between the Eastern sun and the Western moon, you will come across trolls, djinns, dragons, kings and princesses, ministers, salesmen and thieves, as well as frogs, snakes, turtles, monkeys, ravens and owls….

… without ever forgetting that these stories speak about us more than anything else!

NB. Performance. Language: english.

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